Unemployed to Successful Real Estate Investor

Dustin Heiner, owner of Master Passive Income, asked himself this same question after the birth of his fourth child. He had just received a two-week notice that he was to be laid off from his government job. After reading a book on real estate investing, he decided to try it out for himself.

What would you do if you got laid off tomorrow?

Dustin Heiner, owner of Master Passive Income, asked himself this same question after the birth of his fourth child. He had just received a two-week notice that he was to be laid off from his government job. After reading a book on real estate investing, he decided to try it out for himself. He never looked back. Listen in to learn how you can get started with real estate investing today, too. 

Topics discussed in episode 39:

  • Dustin’s money story, how he used a lay off as a catalyst to become debt free

  • Why real estate investing is one of the best options for passive income and why Dustin chose it

  • How Dustin only works 30 minutes a month on his business

  • The tough conversation Dustin had to have with his wife when losing his job

  • The six different ways to make money with real estate investing 

  • What you can do right now to get ready to buy your first investment property

Links and resources:

My favorite takeways:

  • “Truly passive income is having someone do the work for you.”

  • “I was truly blessed to say I will never ever have a job again.”

  • “When someone tells me I can’t do that, I say just watch me.”

  • “It’s the easiest thing in the world to buy a property.”

  • “Build the business, before you buy the property.”

Master Passive Income Dustin Heiner
Adrian Hildebrand